Monday, May 14, 2012

Below Our Feet....

Yesterday gifted me with the feeling of Christmas Eve. A warm Tuesday night of art-making and I patiently grinned. Method was a hymn as I planned color schemes and packing my molds for my next glass casting.

My control releases as the the kiln ramps to 1575 degrees. Saturday will be THE day. What will become? While my next forms are molten, I ponder the simularities between my two biggest creative passions: cast glass and earth plaster finishes.

These materials and processes resonate a quick, forceful intensity. You are lost in that brief moment when nothing else matters except what is in your hands. You must GO..don't ponder. "Catch that edge before I set!" says Lime. "You have 2 minutes till I become brittle!" shouts Gypsum. Your instincts sharpen to a fine .01 tip.

My sense of materiality is rooted in textured, stratified earthen layers. Plaster speaks through shiny hand-troweled veneers or heavy hand-built forms. Marble, clay, lime, gypsum, cement, terracotta, silica, all bring different qualities and purposes. Knowing the languege of each can help us transform spaces and evoke the spirit. It's amazing that we can find this creative abundance in the earth below our feet.

”The artist is a receptacle for emotions that come from all over the place: from the sky, from the earth, from a scrap of paper, from a passing shape, from a spider's web.” -- Picasso.

I invite you to visit to view more of my kiln-cast glass work!

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