Monday, November 14, 2011

Up Close: Topography of Plaster

As it darkens and chills in Seattle, I miss being outside to mix and make my plasters. There is nothing like opening my garage doors up to the fresh summer air to whip up a creative storm.

Splatted, cracked lime paint collides with golden earth plasters....maybe some hypertufa planting medium too.....and don't forget the sunpaint!

As I mix pigments into the plaster, colors and textures swirl and my eye catches the water's reflection. Drill goes off, hands are semi-clean so I grab my camera for another up-close shot. One, maybe two.  For a moment, spiral-like patterns form as materials join one another.

The drill goes on to hurricane speed and the moment fades.

There is beauty at the bottom of a bucket.

Photography lets you fall in love with the story behind the art. Below are some of my favorite shots.




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